
minecraft, pixel art, horse Minecraft

どちらもJava Edition(Modded)です

Mod LoaderServerFabric Loader0.16.5+1.21.1fabric-loader-server-0.16.5-minecraft-1.21.1.jar公式
LibraryClient or serverFabric API0.104.0+1.21.1fabric-api-0.104.0+1.21.1.jarModrinth
UtilityClientMod Menu11.0.2modmenu-11.0.2.jarModrinth
LibraryClient or serverCloth Config API15.0.140+fabriccloth-config-15.0.140-fabric.jarModrinth
OptimizationClientEntity Culling1.7.0entityculling-fabric-1.7.0-mc1.21.jarModrinth
OptimizationClient or serverFerriteCore7.0.0ferritecore-7.0.0-fabric.jarModrinth
OptimizationClient or serverLithiummc1.21.1-0.13.1lithium-fabric-mc1.21.1-0.13.1.jarModrinth
OptimizationClientIris Shaders1.8.0-beta.4+1.21-fabriciris-fabric-1.8.0-beta.4+mc1.21.1.jarModrinth
ShaderClientBSL Shaders – Original8.3BSLOriginal_v8.3.zipModrinth
ShaderClientBSLShadersLangcommit cb6544fja_JP.langGitHub
ShaderClientBSLShadersMappingcommit bc7aea8BSLShadersMapping-main.zipGitHub
LibraryClient or serverMidnightLib1.6.3-fabricmidnightlib-fabric-1.6.3.jarModrinth
UtilityClient or serverJourneyMap1.21-6.0.0-beta.25+fabricjourneymap-fabric-1.21-6.0.0-beta.25.jarModrinth
UtilityClient or serverAppleSkin3.0.5+mc1.21appleskin-fabric-mc1.21-3.0.5.jarModrinth
Game MechanicsClient and serverSitr28sit-1.21-28.jarModrinth
World GenerationServerTerralith2.5.5Terralith_1.21.x_v2.5.5.jarModrinth
World GenerationClient and serverWorld Weaver21.0.13worldweaver-21.0.13.jarModrinth
LibraryClient and serverBCLib21.0.13bclib-21.0.13.jarModrinth
World GenerationClient and serverBetterNether21.0.11better-nether-21.0.11.jarModrinth
World GenerationClient and serverBetterEnd21.0.11better-end-21.0.11.jarModrinth
World GenerationServerTowns and Towers1.13.2t_and_t-neoforge-fabric-1.13.2.jarModrinth
LibraryServerCristel Lib1.2.8-fabriccristellib-fabric-1.2.8.jarModrinth
TransportationClient and serverImmersive AircraftModrinth
TransportationClient and serverMan of Many PlanesModrinth
EquipmentClient and serverSimple Animated GunsCurseForge
LibraryClient and serverAzureLibModrinth
2024/9/21FabricFabric Loader 0.15.11+1.21 → 0.16.5+1.21.1 Fabric API 0.100.4 → 0.104.0
Mod Menu 11.0.1 → 11.0.2 Cloth Config API 15.0.127 → 15.0.140
Entity Culling 1.6.6 → 1.7.0 ImmediatelyFast 1.2.18 → 1.2.21
BSL Shaders 8.2.09 → BSL Shaders – Original 8.3
AppleSkin 3.0.2 → 3.0.5 Terralith 2.5.3 → 2.5.5
World Weaver 21.0.6 → 21.0.13 BCLib 21.0.5 → 21.0.13
BetterNether 21.0.5 → 21.0.11 BetterEnd 21.0.2 → 21.0.11
JourneyMap 6.0.0-beta.14 → 6.0.0-beta.25
Sodium 0.5.11 → 0.6.0-beta.2 Iris Shaders 1.7.3 → 1.8.0-beta.4
Indium 1.0.34 → 1.0.35 Lithium 0.12.7 → 0.13.1
MidnightControls 1.9.7 → 1.10.0-beta.1 MidnightLib 1.5.7 → 1.6.3
Towns and Towers、Cristel Lib 追加
2024/8/24ForgeEntity Culling 1.6.6 → 1.6.7
BSL Shaders 8.2.09 → BSL Shaders – Classic 8.3
Bare Bones 削除
2024/8/18ForgeMinecraft Forge 47.2.0 → 47.3.5 Embeddium 0.3.21 → 0.3.30
ImmediatelyFast 1.2.18 → 1.2.20 JourneyMap 5.10.0 → 5.10.1
Macaw’s Furniture 3.2.2 → 3.3.0 Vic’s Point Blank 1.5.8 → 1.5.12
Timeless and Classics Zero 1.0.1-hotfix → 1.0.2
DNZ’s Skibidi Toilet 追加
2024/7/5FabricWorld Weaver 21.0.4 → 21.0.6 BCLib 21.0.3 → 21.0.5
BetterNether 21.0.3 → 21.0.5 BetterEnd 21.0.0 → 21.0.2
JourneyMap 6.0.0-beta.13 → 6.0.0-beta.14
2024/7/3FabricSodium 0.5.9 → 0.5.11 Iris Shaders 1.7.1 → 1.7.3 Indium 1.0.33 → 1.0.34
2024/6/29Fabric0.15.11+1.21 で稼働再開
2024/6/27ForgeVic’s Point Blank 1.5.7 → 1.5.8
2024/6/26ForgeVic’s Point Blank 1.5.6 → 1.5.7
2024/6/25ForgeVic’s Point Blank 1.5.5 → 1.5.6 The Twilight Forest 4.3.2145 → 4.3.2508
2024/6/23ForgeJourneyMap 5.9.24 → 5.10.0 GeckoLib 4.4.6 → 4.4.7
2024/6/22ForgeEmbeddium 0.3.20 → 0.3.21 JourneyMap 5.9.23 → 5.9.24
Vic’s Point Blank 1.4.3 → 1.5.5
ImmediatelyFast、FerriteCore、Memory Leak Fix、
AppleSkin、Macaw’s Furniture 追加
2024/6/15ForgeEntity Culling 1.6.5 → 1.6.6
2024/6/14ForgeTimeless and Classics Zero 1.0.1 → 1.0.1-hotfix
2024/6/12ForgeMrCrayfish’s Gun Mod [Unofficial]、Stabx Modern Guns 削除
Timeless and Classics Zero、Vic’s Point Blank 追加
BSL Shaders 8.2.08 → 8.2.09 GeckoLib 4.4.5 → 4.4.6
2024/6/9ForgeEmbeddium 0.3.19 → 0.3.20 JourneyMap 5.9.22 → 5.9.23
Naturalist 追加
2024/6/1Forge1.20.1-47.2.0 で稼働再開

